SimpleK Support


SimpleK Support


SimpleK Support 




SimpleK Support


  • This document outlines which group to route 4-Help tickets for SimpleK


  • SimpleK is an application which Student Life uses to manage the distribution and auditing of physical keys to students, facilities, and contractors for some Housing buildings.

  • If off campus/off site, users must be logged into Cisco VPN.


Login/Application Permission Issues

  • Issues with logins should be routed to Campus-DPSS-HousingAccess

  • If possible, include screenshot of error message

  • DPSS can escalate to SLTS if needed


Application Crashing or Unresponsive

  • Issues with the application crashing or becoming unresponsive should be routed to SL-Operations

  • If possible, include screenshot of error message


Adding User(s)

  • If a user needs to be added to SimpleK, it should be routed to Campus-DPSS-HousingAccess


Updating Email/Form Templates

  • Issues with Email/Form templates should be routed to Campus-DPSS-HousingAccess



Article ID: 8907
Wed 9/21/22 9:14 AM
Wed 9/21/22 9:14 AM