Student Life, MDining, Unions
Overview of the Foodservice Suite (FSS) software used in MDining locations and how to set up and troubleshoot them.
Foodservice Suite (FSS) is a software package used by MDining employees for managing recipes, menus, and current meal selections in the various MDining locations. This includes primary facilities, such as dining halls, as well as satellite locations such as the Cafes.
Some important things to note before continuing:
Student Life Technology Solutions (SLTS) is responsible for validating account sign-ins and ensuring that each FSS Client connection to the SQL Server is active and remains stable.
ITS MiWorkspace Neighborhood IT (NIT) is responsible for installing and troubleshooting the FSS program. Including the recreation of the Windows user profile (if needed).
ITS MiWorkspace Engineering is responsible for updating and troubleshooting the build images that FSS is packaged with (HSG) and will partner with NIT teams for any onsite follow-up that needs to be done with previously deployed computers.
ITS MiDatabase is responsible for maintaining the SQL Server stability and ensuring it can handle the current bandwidth requirements for user connectivity.
MDining Applications is responsible for maintaining user account access to FSS.
Getting Started
The FSS client is installed by default on all MiWorkspace computers with an HSG build. This software is also available as a download through Software Center.
FSS uses U-M SSO for application login. However, authentication will not work unless an employee has had access requested and granted to them by the systems team at MDining. This group can be reached via email (TDX-SL-DiningApplications@umich.edu) or by opening a ticket with SLTS and having them route it to the SL-DiningApplications group.
Application Crashes
Historically, FSS would crash when accessing or running reports. This was found to be due to issues with its SQL backend, which has since been solved. However, this auto-crashing behavior still occurs periodically, with no discernible trigger for the behavior.
In cases where re-launching the program and rebooting the computer don’t resolve the issue, the standard policy for addressing this is to uninstall and reinstall FSS on the problem computer. For computers where FSS is pre-installed as part of the build image, it will need to be manually removed via the Programs and Features option in the Windows Control Panel, after which FSS should auto-reinstall itself from Software Center.
If this does not resolve the issue, the only solutions are to purge the user’s local Windows profile or to reimage the problem computer. See this KB for instructions on the former.
Additional Information
All FSS TDX tickets should start in the SL Portal.
A full backup of the user’s data should be done by NIT before profile deletion or reimaging.