GET Funds


Student Life, Dining, Blue Bucks, Meal Plans


Overview of the GET Funds service portal and how to troubleshoot it.



GET is a cloud-based ordering application where students and their parents can manage campus card accounts for dining transactions.  The GET portal also allows students to find places to eat, along with other dining-related services.  GET provides information about account balances, spending history, and enables users to report lost or stolen purchase cards 24/7.  Parents can add Blue Bucks as a Guest to their Student’s account.  Students can purchase their meal plan via GET and have it charged to their student account.  Students can upgrade, downgrade, and cancel their meal plan during a configurable period (e.g. the first two weeks) each term, with the changes being reflected on their student account.


SLTS does not manage issues related to this service.  Instead, issues with GET Funds are managed by Michigan Dining.  Common include adding money to a meal plan or questions about program eligibility.  Any tickets related to these questions should be closed out with instructions given to the requester to email for follow-up. 

Separately, for any questions related to billing concerns or issues (excluding adding money to a meal plan), the customer should be directed to email  Any tickets related to these questions should be closed out with those remarks included.

Additional Information

The U-M GET Funds portal can be accessed here.