Student Life, MiWorkspace, Windows, M|Dining, Catering
Overview of the EventMaster MDining Application, and how to set up and troubleshoot.
EventMaster is a menu and catering services application that is used for a variety of food services. These include planning, scheduling, and ordering for on-campus catered events.
If a user needs access to EventMaster or needs an account created, have the user contact mds-systemsupport@umich.edu or submit a ticket to 4-HELP with instructions to route to SLTS.
Some important things to note before continuing:
Student Life Technology Solutions (SLTS) is responsible for validating that application works and that it connects to the SQL Server.
ITS MiWorkspace Neighborhood IT (NIT) is responsible for installing and troubleshooting the EventMaster program. For ease of reference, this process is outlined below.
ITS MiDatabase is responsible for maintaining the SQL server's stability and ensuring it can handle the current bandwidth requirements for user connectivity.
MDining Applications is responsible for granting AD access to the N Drive needed to use EventMaster and for maintaining user accounts.
- Before beginning the process, NIT must ensure that the user is a member of the HSG-GS-Dining-Eventmaster group in Active Directory. This group allows for the mapping of the N: drive. If the user is not a member of this group, they will need to be added. The N: drive won’t map if a given user is not a member of the group.
NIT cannot add a user to the group. To initiate the add request, send a request to Michigan Dining Systems (mds-systemsupport@umich.edu). They maintain the MCommunity and Active Directory sync groups. For reference, this document is used to determine group memberships.
- Ensure the N: drive is mapped to \\hsg-shared.m.storage.umich.edu\hsg-shared\Eventmaster.
- From the \\hsg-shared.m.storage.umich.edu\hsg-shared\EventMaster\Client Tools\ folder, run the ClientTools.Setup.exe installer as M-1 (defaults all the way).
- Within the N:\Client Tools folder, there’s a text file called Install Fix. Run Command Prompt as Admin, and then paste the 2nd line into the command window: \\hsg-shared.m.storage.umich.edu\hsg-shared\EventMaster\Extend\AcuGT\Bin64\marshal.exe /UnregServer
This will unregister the marshal.exe
- Then restart the machine, then return to the same text file. Run Command prompt as Admin, then paste the first line in: \\hsg-shared.m.storage.umich.edu\hsg-shared\EventMaster\Extend\AcuGT\Bin64\marshal.exe /regserver. This will re-register the .dlls for EventMaster.
- During the installation process, a 32-bit and a 64-bit shortcut will both appear on the desktop. Make sure to delete the shortcut that says "EventMaster 32-bit" and leave the one that simply says "EventMaster Plus".
- You may now test EventMaster using the user's login. You should be all set. If you are still experiencing issues, please read through the Troubleshooting section.
- Have the user log in again to verify the installation. If they will be running reports, please have them try running and printing one. If they receive the error below, try repeating Step 4.
Cannot Install EventMaster
Sometimes, an old version of EventMaster may conflict with updating to a newer version. If this occurs, uninstall any old versions of EventMaster and their associated shortcuts. Once completed, repeat the installation steps beginning from Step 2. During this process, you may receive an error during the uninstall but that is fine.
Server Configuration Errors
Historically, the EventMaster client has had a problem if you specify an alternate port to connect to the database. By default, the MiDatabase team has the database listener configured for Port 14330/TCP.
When you supply the connection string, it will succeed on the first launch. However, subsequent launches have a tendency to fail because the application tries to connect to the database using Named Pipes (e.g. 139/TCP and 445/TCP and the default SQL port 1433). To override this behavior, the client configuration can be modified to change the default port used by the Windows MSSQL client.
To modify the default SQL client port, launch the “SQL Client Configuration Utility” located at C:\Windows\System32\cliconfg.exe.
- On the General tab, set TCP/IP as the only enabled protocol.
- Click TCP-IP and choose Properties
- Modify the default port from 1433 to 14330
- Once this is done, repeat the above steps for the 32-bit client located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cliconfg.exe
Cannot Run Reports
This will appear if the EventMaster DLLs haven’t been registered or have got corrupted in some way. Please repeat Steps 4 and 5 if this is the case.
Note: .Net Framework 4.6.1 or newer must be installed on the workstation that you will be printing reports from. The current version available through the MiWorkspace service is v4.8.0.
Events Are Locked
When on the EventMaster - Select Facility Window, a user might select (Company Management) and get a message, “Another User is performing Company Management for the Company. Please try again Later”. To resolve this, navigate to EM > Blue To Go > Maintenance > Utilities > Clear Unused Locks.
ClientTools.Setup.exe results in error "Wrun32.dll not found" when initiated
From within ClientTools.Setup.exe, navigate to network location \\hsg-shared.m.storage.umich.edu\hsg-shared\EventMaster\Extend\AcuGt\Bin64 and manually select the DLL.
Additional Information
If EventMaster is still not working after the above steps have been followed, please document the specific point of failure and route the ticket to SLTS for further review.
As of February 2024, the current version of EventMaster is v20.03.