Wiki Pages Instructor Guide

Wiki Pages Overview and Use Cases for Faculty
Wiki pages are course pages on Canvas that can be edited by multiple users, enabling teams to easily share knowledge and work together more effectively. 

Wikis are beneficial for small/large group projects/collaboration.

Note: Canvas does not have a Wiki tool, per se, but Wiki pages are created in Canvas by creating a new page and under Option changing users allowed to edit this page option from Only teachers to either Teachers and Students or Anyone.

Instructor Orientation/Training
While no training is necessary to use Wiki Pages, Creating Class WIKI Pages resource as well as this Quick Start Document can give you an introduction to this feature.

Instructor Responsibilities
How to request access to Wiki Pages

  • Since Wiki pages are just a special way of configuring Canvas pages, all University of Michigan faculty already have access to Wiki Pages. 

How to Configure/Set up Wiki Pages
For Wiki pages:

  • Make sure when creating the page, that the instructor changes the users allowed to edit this page option from Only teachers to either Teachers and students or Anyone.
  • Encourage students to sign up for a time to edit their Wiki page since some edits may not be saved if multiple users edit at one time.
  • Consider adding components of these instructions to your course.


  • There is no mandatory testing process for Wiki Pages, but it is recommended that you practice with the software before the beginning of the term.

Previously Identified Student Roadblocks

  • If students enter work at the same time, someone’s changes will not be saved. This is why it is necessary to have students sign up for time slots to edit Wiki pages.

Wiki Pages Instructor Course Prep Checklist

  • Wiki Instructor Course Prep Checklist    
    • Reset pages each term.
    • Remind users to sign up for a time to edit pages.
    • Change users allowed to edit this page option from Only teachers to either Teachers and students or Anyone.
    • It is encouraged to add some or all of How to Use Wiki Pages instructions to your course.

Depending on your course needs, you may need additional items in your checklist. Feel free to schedule an appointment with an instructional designer for a more personalized Wiki Pages orientation.

How to Get Help
For assistance, you can:

Instructor FAQs

Wiki Pages Quick Links

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Article ID: 9126
Sun 10/16/22 10:31 PM
Sun 10/16/22 10:31 PM