Amazon Connect - Chat Feature for Unit Websites


About Amazon Connect, the chat feature for LSA websites.



Amazon Connect is an easy to use omnichannel cloud contact center that supports chat for web and mobile. For units who would like to support a chat feature to their Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) website to virtually support website audiences. 


  • Amazon Connect
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Adobe Experience Manager


Requesting Chat

Interested units can request an informational meeting with the Web and Application Development Team at

Maintaining Chat

Once the chat feature is live on a unit's site, any requests or issues to the chat should be directed to and directly assigned to the Web and Application Development Team.

Common requests include:

  • Change in hours of operations
  • Adding/Removal of Chat Agents

These requests are only resolved by the Web and Application Development Team.

Common issues include:

  • Chat Agent Access - Chat Agents occasionally report getting an error when logging into the Amazon Connect Dashboard. Common reasons for this is that a previous session is still considered active. If this is the case, the best is to try to log into the Amazon Connect Dashboard in an Incognito browser of your choice.
  • Long wait time for Chat Visitors - Chat Visitors can initiate a chat session if the system thinks that there are available Chat Agents. Chat Agents need to set themselves as Offline or log off on the Chat Window so that the “All Chat Agents are unavailable” message can display.

Understanding Roles with Amazon Connect

  • Chat Administrator: Web and Application Development Team member who configures the Chat instance a unit’s AEM site.

  • Chat Agents: LSA Staff members who will be actively chatting Chat Visitors

  • Chat Visitors: Visitors to the unit’s AEM site who want to chat with the unit’s Chat Agents.

Additional notes

Current Units Using Amazon Connect

Support Documentation



Article ID: 6885
Mon 12/13/21 11:00 AM
Tue 5/7/24 12:13 PM