Configuring Secure PIN Hard Drives for Secure Data



Providing step by step instructions for configuring Secure PIN Hard Drives for use with Secure Data. 


Economics Psychology Windows MAC Apple Linux IBM Lenovo


If you have not obtained a Secure PIN Hard Drive, please see the Obtaining Secure PIN Hard Drives for Secure Data article.

The following steps are for configuring the Secure PIN Hard Drive for use with Secure Data:

  1. Determine which Operating System the user will be using:
    • Mac Only — The hard drive needs to be reformatted to xFAT. NOTE: Must complete a Full Format (Quick format will not work).
    • Linux Only — The hard drive needs to be reformatted to EXT4 or XFS.
    • Windows Only — The hard drive needs to be reformatted to xFAT. NOTE: Must complete a Full Format (Quick format will not work).
If the Hard Drive will be used on multiple operating systems, then the hard drive needs to be reformatted to exFAT NOTE: Must complete a Full Format (Quick format will not work).
  1. Change the Default PIN password (12345678). Please see the Passwordstate - EHTS-SHARED: Econ - ThinkPad/Lenovo Secure (external) HDs the password management solution entry for additional info on New Admin Password to be used.
    • Actual instructions for changing the Admin Password can be found on page 6 of \\\lsa-ehts\Windows\Software\ThinkPad_SecureHDD\0A37427_en.pdf.
    • Record new information (under 'Notes' tab) in the the password management solution entry (Passwordstate - EHTS-SHARED: Econ - ThinkPad/Lenovo Secure (external) HDs).
  2. Once the Admin Password has been changed, you can now setup additional users. Please follow the instructions on page 7 of \\\lsa-ehts\Windows\Software\ThinkPad_SecureHDD\0A37427_en.pdf.
  3. If the Secure PIN Hard Drive was purchased individually or for a Lab, then it is ready to be delivered.

All formatting changes should be done with the default password. Additionally, making any format changes will wipe the default User Manual PDFs that are created with each user.

Secure PIN Hard Drives for ECON Secure Data Rooms must be configured by either Tim or Jeffrey as they are the Security Officers for Economics.

Due to the nature of the configuration and Admin passwords used, this article is not for public consumption.

External resources




Article ID: 2543
Fri 5/29/20 2:05 PM
Thu 1/2/25 11:35 AM