MPrint direct printing on Linux



This document will help you install MPrint Direct Printing on Linux. A working CUPS MPrint Printer added via MPrint Install Script.


  • MPrint SMB Printer Queues
  • Default Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or Ubuntu
  • GNOME Graphical User Interface (Command Line Workaround)
  • cups, samba-client, smbclient, samba-common, and system-config-printer packages are installed
    • yum install samba-client system-config-printer
    • apt install smbclient samba-common system-config-printer
  • MPrint Multifunction Queues (Konica, Xerox, etc.) all require SMB Authentication to print, which is why LPD/LPR doesn't work without smbclient.


  1. Try using the MPrint Web Interface. If this works for all your needs, then you don't need to add a direct printer.
    1. If your Desktop Environment (XFCE, etc.) does not save SMB credentials (seahorse), it will not be able to direct print, and you'll have to use the MPrint Web Interface.
  2. Use Firefox/Chrome on the Linux device you wish to print from and go to the MPrint installation page. Select all the desired printers, choose default (optional), and click "Launch Installer."
  3. Choose to Save File instead of Open with Archive manager.
  4. Now in your web browser, navigate to
  5. This will download the pc-client-linux package which is needed for the initial authentication piece, and fails to download automatically through the printer installer script, as it requires weblogin authentication before being able to access the web space.
  6. Go to the folder where the linux.tgz file is downloaded and extract the file, which will create a linux folder, that contains the script you will need to run once.  You can extract it with:  tar zxvf linux.tgz
  7. Change directory into the linux folder that was extracted, and run the command:  sudo ./
    Please note: It may not find a java SDK.  If that is the case, you will need to install the appropriate java package for your distro. 
  8. It should prompt you to enter your UofM uniqname and password the first time you run it. You can close out of that script with <ctrl> + <c>. 
  9. Now, go to the folder where the Printer installer was downloaded, and unzip the downloaded zip file, which will extract the printer's .sh script. Similar to: unzip
  10. Run the *.sh script as sudo/root, similar to: sudo ./
  11. It might inform you that it will attempt to install missing packages, such as smbclient and default-jre if they are not already installed.
  12. In the Papercut dialog box, if it pops up, have the user enter their Uniqname and Kerberos credentials.
  13. Launch system-config-printer (or Printers in the Settings menu)
  14. The driver should automatically default to "Generic PostScript Printer [en] (recommended)". If this is so, you can skip to Step 15.
    1. If the driver is set to RAW: Change Printer Driver in system-config-printer or CUPS:
      • In system-config-printer:
        1. On RHEL7.5+: Applications > Sundry > Print Settings.
        2. Right click on one of the MPrint added printers and select "Properties."
        3. After "Make and Model: Local Raw Printer", click "Change...."
        4. Verify: "Select printer from database", "Makes: Generic", and press "Forward."
        5. Models: PostScript, Drivers: Generic PostScript Printer [en] (recommended), press "Forward."
        6. "Use the new PPD (Postscript Printer Description) as is.", press "Forward."
        7. Fill the checkbox for "Duplexer", press "Apply."
        8. Repeat for each printer.
      • In CUPS (you must use the root account credentials when authenticating):
        1. Go to http://localhost:631.
        2. Click on "Printers."
        3. Select one of the MPrint printers under "Queue Name."
        4. Click on the drop-down for "Administration" and select "Modify Printerm" enter root credentials.
        5. Leave "Current Connection:" AS-IS. Press Continue.
        6. Leave Description, Location, and Sharing AS-IS. Press Continue.
        7. Make: Generic. Press Continue.
        8. Model: Generic PostScript Printer (en). Press "Modify Printer."
        9. Repeat for each printer.
  15. Save credentials into GNOME.
    1. Attempt printing from a GNOME application like gedit.
    2. When the "Authentication" box appears, enter the following:
      • Usernameumroot\uniqname
      • Password — Enter your Kerberos password
    3. Check the Remember password checkbox and press OK.
    4. If the credentials are correct, the document should print.
      1. If nothing prints, go to Applications > Utilities > Password and Keys. You may be able to launch the "seahorse" application on other distributions if you can't find a "Passwords and Keys."
      2. Passwords > Login: You should see saved passwords for the respective MPrint printers here.
      3. You can either modify the password using "Properties" or delete the entry and repeat step 7 to re-prompt.



Article ID: 2106
Fri 5/29/20 1:55 PM
Tue 12/19/23 2:24 PM