List of subdomains


The subdomains of as of November 2023 are:

Subdomain Description
ac Department of American Culture
advan LSA Advancement (One North Main)
angell In-building networks in Angell Hall
anthro Department of Anthropology
asian Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
astro Department of Astronomy
azure Resources hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud
biology Program in Biology (see also "eeb" and "mcdb")
biop Department of Biophysics
bli Barger Leadership Institute
bsb In-building networks in the Biological Sciences Building
cgis Center for Global & Intercultural Study
chem Department of Chemistry
classics Department of Classical Studies
comm Department of Communication and Media (formerly Communication Studies)
complit Department of Comparative Literature
csbyc Center for the Study of Black Youth in Context
cscar Center for Statistical Consultation and Research
cscs Center for the Study of Complex Systems
csp Comprehensive Studies Program
daas Department of African and Afroamerican Studies
dean Office of the Dean
earth Department of Earth & Environmental Studies
econ Department of Economics
eeb Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
eli English Language Institute
english Department of English Language & Literature
ftvm Department of Film, Television, and Media (formerly sac, Screen Arts & Cultures)
geo Obsolete; see earth, Earth & Environmental Studies
german Department of Germanic Languages & Literatures
globaltech GlobalTech platform records
gnosis Containers in the Gnosis OpenShift cluster
hart Department of History of Art
herb Herbarium
history Department of History
honors Honors Program
humin Institute for the Humanities
ii International Institute
in-addr Internet Addressing (do not use for anything other than PTR records)
irwg Institute for Research on Women and Gender
iss Obsolete; now part of Technology Services
judaic Jean & Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies (formerly judstud)
kelsey Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
lane In-building networks in Lane Hall
lhsp Lloyd Hall Scholars Program (should rename to lswa, Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts)
ling Department of Linguistics
lrc Language Resource Center
lsait Obsolete; now part of Technology Services
math Department of Mathematics
mcdb Department of Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
mcsp Michigan Community Scholars Program
mgt LSA TS server management network (heartbeats, iLOs, private networks, etc.)
msp Museum Studies Program
mtnss MLB, Thayer, & North Quad Shared Services
museum Alexander G. Ruthven Building (formerly Alexander G. Ruthven Museums Building)
nes Department of Middle East Studies (formerly Near Eastern Studies)
philosophy Department of Philosophy
physics Department of Physics
pite Program in the Environment
polisci Department of Political Science
psych Department of Psychology
qmss Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences minor program
rc Residential College
rll Department of Romance Languages & Literatures
saa Student Academic Advising
slavic Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures
slc Science Learning Center
soc Department of Sociology
ssu Obsolete; cross-departmental use
stat Department of Statistics
storage LSA TS storage network
swc Obsolete; Sweetland Center for Writing (formerly Sweetland Writing Center (SWC)); moving to sweetland
sweetland New domain for the Sweetland Center for Writing (formerly Sweetland Writing Center (SWC))
umbs U-M Biological Station
umma U-M Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
ummnh U-M Museum of Natural History (replaced umme, U-M Exhibit Museum)
ummp U-M Museum of Paleontology
ummz U-M Museum of Zoology
urop Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
usb In-building networks in USB
weiser In-building networks for Weiser Hall
wise Women in Science & Engineering Program
womens Department of Women's and Gender Studies

To get the most up-to-date list, technicians should log into the DNS management console.

Please note: If the department in question does not already have its own subdomain, a resource record with an artificial subdomain can be created at the level. For example, until Mar 2021 there was no subdomain but there was a site Do not create new subdomains or pseudo-subdomains without coordinating with the LSA Hostmaster.



Article ID: 1558
Tue 5/26/20 6:17 PM
Wed 7/24/24 1:12 PM