Digital Signage - Sign Content Considerations


A brief overview of the uses cases departments have for digital signage.



Digital Signage


How do I make my sign effective?


With digital signage the content output of your sign offers nearly endless possibilities. Some of the most important things to consider when when it comes to content are:

  • Interactivity
    • Would you like consumers to be able to interact with your content via a touch screen? 
  • Consider the expected traffic
    • Who will be seeing your sign?
    • How long will people view the sign for?
  • Which orientation best fits your space?
    • Landscape vs. portrait
  • Outline your template
    • How many regions of the sign would you like to display separate content? 
      • Signs with shorter viewing times should have fewer regions
      • Unless your specific use case dictates otherwise, fewer regions is better
      • If you need more content types allow the sign to cycle through them in a single region
  • Who on your staff will be in charge of creating, designing and updating content?
  • Follow University of Michigan's branding guidelines
  • Accessibility 
    • In 2010, the Department of Justice published the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design. Under this law, all electronic and information technology must be accessible to people with disabilities. Digital signage falls under this category, and there are a few things you need to consider to ensure that your signage is in compliance with these ADA guidelines.
    • All functionality must be placed between 36 and 42 inches from the ground. That means that all buttons, key pads, and interactive elements must appear within this dimension on your Display.

Each department should carefully consider how much time and how many resources they are able to dedicate to the upkeep of their signs. There are basically three levels of commitment:

  • Basic - When straightforward, basic information sharing is all that’s needed, Content Managers can get simple-to-implement signs up and running quickly using limited, preconfigured applications designed by ITS Digital Signage. Recommended when minimum time and effort required of departmental staff is a priority.

  • Intermediate - When partial message customization is desired and that meets recommended content guidelines, ITS Digital Signage provides predefined templates and access to community content Content Managers can begin with and flesh out. Recommended when at least one staff member is dedicated as a full-time Content Manager.

  • Advanced - When a department has specific and complex communication needs, ITS Digital Signage allows for customization of sign layouts, templates, and wide ranging content that is pulled in from multiple resources. Recommended when signs and content are backed up by a communications or web design team.

Additional Information

Digital Signage Comprehensive Guide 

Content quick tips

For assistance or questions regarding Digital Signage hardware, please contact ITS Digital Signage at

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Article ID: 8051
Fri 5/6/22 3:02 PM
Fri 7/8/22 3:58 PM