How to safely create a duplicate assignment, quiz, or page, without overwriting content within the same course.
Canvas assigns unique IDs to each content item. Importing content that has the same ID as content already in the course (as would happen if you import the same content from the same course more than once) will overwrite the content. If you copied a quiz from a previous semester course, modified the quiz, then re-imported the same quiz from the same previous semester course, your modifications would be overwritten and there is no way to restore them.
A course export will create a new ID for the content item which allows for creating a copy of the item without overwriting it. These instructions detail how to create a copy of a content item within the same course.
Copy Classic Quiz
1. Export the quiz
2. Refresh the page and download the QTI export file
3. Import the quiz
4. Rename and edit the copy as necessary
Note: the quiz will have the same name as the original and will have the same publish status
Copy New Quizzes Quiz
Note: the quiz will be renamed with the word "Copy" added to the end and will have the same publish status as the original.
Copy Assignment or Page
1. Export the course
2. Refresh the page and download the IMSCC file
3. Import the course
4. Rename and edit the copy as necessary
Note: copied content will have the same publish status as the original and copied assignments will have the same name as the original.
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center