The New button for creating a new ticket no longer appears on the TeamDynamix desktop.
At times, the desktop for your Ticketing App may not be visible. When this happens, you won't be able to see the +New button for creating tickets. You also will not be able to see other buttons, including the +Request Form and +Report.
This may happen after you edit the layout of your default desktop (the desktop that opens when you log into your Ticketing App). Instead of the usual +New button, you'll see the +New Desktop button.
While you have any of the other top level tabs open, you'll see +New buttons specific to what you have open, e.g., +New Event for a new calendar entry, +New for a new My Work entry, and +New for a new Hub transfer, etc.
To see the +New button for creating tickets, you will need to return to your department's Ticketing App. To do this, click the tab for your Ticketing App along the top.
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