Canvas: Permit Students to Participate in Canvas Course After Term is Completed





After the term end date, teachers, TAs, and Designers maintain full access to the course, however students will not be able to participate (have read-only access) in the course.

How can instructors enable students to participate in the course after the term has ended?


Option 1: Course-Level Adjustments for Student Participation

  1. Go to Settings in the course navigation.
  2. On the Course Details tab, change the Participation drop down to Course.
  3. Set a Start and End date using the calendar.
  4. Scroll down and click Update Course Details.
  5. Note: If a student is enrolled in both the original section and the new section created in step 1, this will not impact their ability to participate.

Adding student(s) to a Quiz/Assignment

If student(s) will be accessing a quiz or assignment, that quiz or assignment must be available for those student(s). To edit a quiz or assignment with a past due date:

  1. Edit the quiz/assignment
  2. Create a new Assign to block (do not modify any existing Assign to blocks)
  3. Add the student(s) to this block and set a future due date

Note: If the student was in the course's original section and is also added to a new section created in step 1 above, leaving the student in the original section will not hinder their ability to participate in the course.

Option 2: Limiting Participation to Specific Students

  1. Add End Dates to Sections
    This step ensures the majority of students retain read-only access while allowing specific students participation access.
    • Navigate to the course > Settings > Sections tab.
    • Click on a section and then click Edit Section button on the right.
    • Enter a past Ends date.
    • Check "Students can only participate in the course between these dates".
    • Click Update Section.
    • Repeat for each section as necessary.
  2. Create a New Section for Extended Participation:
    • On the Sections tab, enter a name in the Add a New Section box to create a new section.
    • Edit the new section and set a future Ends date (this will control when students' participation access ends).
    • Check "Students can only participate in the course between these dates".
    • Click Update Section.
  3. Add Specific Students to the New Section:
    • Navigate to People.
    • Click the three dots next to the student(s) and select Edit Sections.
    • Enter the new section name and select it from the list. Remove the original section and click Update.
    • Repeat for each student.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center



Article ID: 7140
Mon 1/31/22 2:52 PM
Thu 11/7/24 10:31 AM