After the term end date, teachers, TAs, and Designers maintain full access to the course, however students will not be able to participate (have read-only access) in the course.
How can instructors enable students to participate in the course after the term has ended?
Option 1: Course-Level Adjustments for Student Participation
- Go to Settings in the course navigation.
- On the Course Details tab, change the Participation drop down to Course.
- Set a Start and End date using the calendar.
- Scroll down and click Update Course Details.
Note: If a student is enrolled in both the original section and the new section created in step 1, this will not impact their ability to participate.
Adding student(s) to a Quiz/Assignment
If student(s) will be accessing a quiz or assignment, that quiz or assignment must be available for those student(s). To edit a quiz or assignment with a past due date:
- Edit the quiz/assignment
- Create a new Assign to block (do not modify any existing Assign to blocks)
- Add the student(s) to this block and set a future due date
Note: If the student was in the course's original section and is also added to a new section created in step 1 above, leaving the student in the original section will not hinder their ability to participate in the course.
Option 2: Limiting Participation to Specific Students
- Add End Dates to Sections
This step ensures the majority of students retain read-only access while allowing specific students participation access.
- Navigate to the course > Settings > Sections tab.
- Click on a section and then click Edit Section button on the right.
- Enter a past Ends date.
- Check "Students can only participate in the course between these dates".
- Click Update Section.
- Repeat for each section as necessary.
- Create a New Section for Extended Participation:
- On the Sections tab, enter a name in the Add a New Section box to create a new section.
- Edit the new section and set a future Ends date (this will control when students' participation access ends).
- Check "Students can only participate in the course between these dates".
- Click Update Section.
- Add Specific Students to the New Section:
- Navigate to People.
- Click the three dots next to the student(s) and select Edit Sections.
- Enter the new section name and select it from the list. Remove the original section and click Update.
- Repeat for each student.
Resources and Questions
For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center