U-M Dropbox
When I enter a collaborator's email address into the sharing dialog box in U-M Dropbox on the web, the collaborator's information does not populate as an option to select. (Even though the collaborator has a U-M Dropbox account and should appear.)
The workaround to this issue is:
- Hover over the file or folder you’d like to share:
- In list view, click the share icon

- In grid view, click Share
- A sharing dialog box will open. Wait about 30 to 60 seconds before entering a collaborator's email address into the sharing text field. You should now see the populated results that match the collaborator for which you're looking.
- Click Share folder or Share file.
Another workaround to try is to enter the collaborator's name in the field, wait 60 seconds, delete their name, re-enter the name, wait, and repeat until it populates. If it still doesn't populate, then we recommend you use the Dropbox desktop app.
Additional Information
Note: The Dropbox desktop app does not require a workaround/waiting period. We recommend that you use the desktop app if this problem persists.
The issue is that the collaborator's information does not populate when you enter their email address to share with them. When you attempt to share with the collaborator's email address anyway, the file is never shared (although it appears as it did), and the collaborator does not receive an email invite. The issue seems to be related to the web browser’s ability to download the list of contacts that are ultimately used to auto-populate the sharing list. U-M has a very large list, and it can take U-M Dropbox a while to populate. Other variables, such as slow systems/networks or lots of browser tabs open, can also cause slowness in loading the Dropbox contact list.