Not Able to Choose Waitlist or Override Time Conflict Enrolling in Classes on Wolverine Access



Wolverine Access, Enrollment


While viewing the student "Backpack" - enrolling in classes on Wolverine Access the boxes (on the right) for "waitlist" or "override time conflict" are not clickable.

The boxes in this section are showing the current status of the class.  To change them, you must go into the Enrollment Preferences.

Wolverine Access Backpack class list partial view showing the last four columns of a grid labelled Wait List Okay, Override Time Conflict, Grading, Status


When viewing the full list of classes in the backpack, the boxes on the far right are not clickable.  To select waitlist or override time conflict for a class you must click on the class link and choose those options in the Enrollment Preferences:

view of Enrollment Preferences for a class showing only the area with checkboxes for Override Time Conflict and Wait List

  1. Click on the link for the class (blue hyperlink, usually on left)
  2. While viewing the details for the class, options for waitlist or override time conflict can be clicked
  3. When done selecting, put the class back in the backpack (follow on-screen prompts to complete)
  4. The boxes to the right of the class will now be checked, corresponding with what the student checked

Additional Information

Information from University of Michigan Registrar's Office. Contact them at 1-734-647-3507 Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am-5 pm.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.




Article ID: 4333
Tue 1/19/21 7:28 PM
Thu 1/5/23 6:42 PM