Dropbox: MCommunity Members Not Appearing in Team Folder Membership


This article provides an explanation for why some MCommunity members are not appearing in the membership of a Dropbox Team Folder.



U-M Dropbox, Team Folders


You have created a new Team Folder and invited the members via the MCommunity group you assigned to own the Team Folder. However, the number of members appearing in the Team Folder does not match the number of members in the MCommunity group. (For example, an MCommunity group has 50 members, but it only shows 15 members in Dropbox after the owner created the Team Folder.)


  • The most common reason the member count differs between Dropbox and MCommunity is that there are members who have not created their U-M Dropbox account.
    • In the event that a member has signed in to their U-M Dropbox account and still does not show up in Dropbox, the owner should remove the member from the MCommunity group, wait about 5-10 seconds, and then re-add the member. Dropbox might take approximately five minutes (or longer) to update.
    • Once members create their U-M Dropbox account, the Dropbox Team Folder membership total will adjust automatically. This can take up to 24 to 48 hours.
  • Other reasons include:
    • The MCommunity member is an external user who does not sync to U-M Dropbox.
    • The MCommunity member is a subgroup or member of a subgroup which do not sync to U-M Dropbox.

Additional Information

Complete the Dropbox Team Folder Request Form to request a Team Folder.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 4051
Thu 12/3/20 2:56 PM
Tue 6/4/24 1:41 PM

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