Creating a Parent/Problem Ticket and Attaching Child Tickets





How to create a Problem ticket and how to associate one or more Child tickets to it.


Note: Choose one of the two methods for creating a new Problem ticket.

1.  Create a Problem from an existing Incident/Request ticket

  • In the existing Incident or Request, click Actions > Create Parent
  • Select Problem Form from the Select Application/form window
    • This creates a new Problem ticket by copying your existing ticket to a and automatically adds the Incident/Request as a Child ticket
  • Update the Problem record with the appropriate Requestor (ITS Staff Person) and edit other fields as needed
    • Requester may be the Service Owner or Manager, ITS Service Center representative, Problem Manager, or other as appropriate
  • Click Save

2.  Create a new Problem ticket without using an Incident/Request

  •  Log in to
  • Click Users
  • On your desktop, click ITS Tickets along the top
  • Click +New and choose Problem Form from the drop-down menu
  • Fill in the form (for help; click the question mark - ? - in the fields)
  • Click Save


Associate Child tickets to a Problem ticket

There are two options, from the Problem and from the proposed child.

From the Problem:

  1. Open the Problem ticket
  2. Click the Children tab
  3. Choose Add Existing
  4. Click the Green Funnel in the Upper right to search by ID, requester, etc'
    1. Defaults to searching open tickets, click status boxes to also find closed tickets, as needed
  5. Select the ticket to assign and click Add Selected

From a Child ticket:

  1. Open the ticket you want to attach to the parent
  2. Under the Actions menu choose Select Parent
  3. Paste in the ticket number for the Parent ticket; click the magnifying glass to search if needed
  4. Click on the title of the proposed Parent ticket when it appears
  5. Click Save.

Update a Problem ticket and associated Child tickets

  1. Open the Problem ticket
  2. Click the Update option under Actions
    1. Update the problem ticket to In Process
    2. Select the “cascade” checkbox to update all associated children tickets.
      1. Using dropdown menu, send notifications to Requesters or other stakeholders as appropriate
      2. Avoid personalizing the notification since it is going out to many people

Close a Problem ticket and associated Child tickets

  1. Open the Problem ticket
  2. Click the Update option under Actions
    1. Update the problem ticket to Closed
    2. Select the “Cascade” checkbox to update all associated children tickets (only visible when there are Child tickets attached)
      1. Using the dropdown menu, send notifications to Requesters or other stakeholders as appropriate
      2. Include a brief description of the resolution
      3. Avoid personalizing the notification since it is going out to many people

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 3795
Wed 9/30/20 11:53 AM
Wed 2/12/25 12:22 PM