Verify Zoom Account and Information


How to look up a customer's Zoom information using the ZoomInfo app?



U-M Zoom


How do I confirm:

  • That a user has a U-M Zoom account?
  • Whether their account is active (if they are eligible to log in to it)?
  • When was the last time they logged in?
  • What version of the Zoom Client they are using?
  • If they have a Webinar license?
  • The participant capacity of their Webinar license?
  • Who has Zoom scheduling privilege for the user? (who can schedule for them)
  • Who does the user have Zoom scheduling privilege for? (who can they schedule for)


Look up the customer's information in the ITS ZoomInfo app using the search bar:

Only users in itssc-all MCommunity group or Collab MCommunity group have access to look up another user's Zoom info in this app. All other users can only see their own Zoom info.

Additional Information

The ITS-Zoom team is the contact for questions or issues with the ZoomInfo app.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 2808
Sun 5/31/20 10:31 PM
Wed 4/19/23 10:48 AM