Older Operating Systems and/or Browsers Not Verifying U-M Websites



  • Many websites, including some U-M sites
  • Older web browsers and operating systems including, but not limited to:
    • Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera
    • MacOS 10.12 and below
    • Windows XP
    • iOS 10
    • Older versions of Android


Older browsers may report certificate / security errors when trying to access websites (including at U-M), because the browsers lack the ability to verify some newer security certificates. In this case, the browser may report a problem with the website, although the issue is more accurately a limitation with the browser, or the operating system running the browser.

Example errors:

  • Can't verify identity of website, Continue?
  • This website may not be secure, Continue?
  • Your connection is not private
  • Your connection is not secure


For MacOS 10.11.x (and older)

  1. Download the new root certificate - either here: https://crt.sh/?d=1199354 or attached to this knowledge article (usertrust-2038.crt)
  2. Click the downloaded file to launch Keychain Access
  3. Click 'OK' to continue through the warning menu that pops up as the Mac Keychain Access tool starts
  4. Select the keychain 'System' from the dropdown.
  5. Hit 'OK'
  6. Click 'Always Trust' on the window 
  7. Restart the computer

For MacOS systems when the above steps do not work

  1. Update to the newest version of Firefox or Chrome that will run on the device
  2. If still experiencing trouble, update to a recent version of the operating system (MacOS, Windows, iOS, Android), then try step 1 again

Windows and other non-Mac systems

  1. Update to the newest version of Firefox or Chrome that will run on the device
  2. If still experiencing trouble, update to a recent version of the operating system (Windows, iOS, Android), then try step 1 again

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 2807
Sat 5/30/20 9:33 AM
Thu 10/12/23 10:47 AM



incommon.crt Computer

Fri 10/1/21 5:53 PM

usertrust-2038.crt Computer

Mon 6/1/20 4:35 PM

usertrust-root.crt Computer

Fri 10/1/21 5:53 PM