Canvas "Assign to" Update for Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes


On July 20, Canvas updated this Assign to function in assignments, discussions, and quizzes.





Users are unfamiliar with the new location and functionality of the "Assign to" feature in Canvas assignments, discussions, and quizzes.


On July 20, 2024, the Assign to function in Canvas assignments, discussions, and quizzes was updated.

To access the updated Assign to function in Canvas:

  1. Navigate to the details page of an assignment, discussion, or quiz.
  2. Click on the Manage Assign To link located at the bottom of the page to the right of the Assign Access section.
    1. Clicking the link will expose a slideout tray.
    2. Be sure to click the Apply button in the slideout tray to apply any updates.
  3. Be sure to click Save or Save & Publish to apply any changes made to the assignment, discussion, or quiz.

Additional Information

For additional info, refer to the Canvas Guide on Assign to Update.

To see a demonstration of the new functionality, see this video: Assign To Update.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 12461
Wed 7/24/24 3:10 PM
Thu 2/6/25 9:50 AM

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