MReports EMail: Unsubscribe from Close-of-Business Notifications


Email notifications are sent based on project grant responsibilities and roles assigned in MReports.
Users that are not PIs can subscribe and unsubscrive to receive financials "Close of Business" email notifications in MCommunity.





Why am I getting this email?  MReports generates lists to send send email notices to PIs and other staff named on P/Gs regarding "Updated Project/Grant Financial Reports in M-Reports," when a monthly accounting cycle closes.  If notices are unwanted, the recipient may be able to update their records to avoid receiving future notices.


  • Some recipients receive notifications because U-M records list them as a contact for an active project grant
    • To view if the person is a PI, login to
      • Click Research -> Summary of Projects
      • Type the uniqname or LastName,FirstName of the PI in the Search Box where Search Type is Principal Investigator and click Search
      • Projects will be listed  if they are a PI.
    • Principle Investigators and other named users on project grants can be updated by the Shared Service Center
    • Once a project grant ends and is marked "inactive", notices will not be generated
  • Some recipients receive notifications because they are members of an MCommunity group "Month End Close Notification"
  • Some recipients receive the notification because they have an active role with access to the MReports service
    • If appropriate, submit an OARS request to have those roles removed. Detailed instructions and the link to OARS can be found on the Content & Reports page.

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 12267
Tue 6/18/24 3:00 PM
Tue 10/29/24 1:21 PM