U-M or non-U-M websites
I am receiving an error that says "Stale Request" when trying to access U-M or non-U-M websites.
Here's a list of steps to try if you're having trouble accessing a website:
- Type the URL of the website in the address bar of your web browser instead of using a link or shortcut.
- Try going directly to the website's main page and navigating to the page you need from there.
- If the website is Wolverine Access (WA), go directly to WA and navigate to the page you need.
- If the website is not WA, go directly to the main page (everything before the first slash in the URL).
- Clear your browser's cache and cookies, and then try again. You may need to restart your browser or computer.
- Log out of weblogin and then log back in again.
Additional Information
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