Google: Using Fade In Animation in Slides


This article provides information regarding using fade in animation in Google Slides.



Google, Google Slides


How do I apply a fade-in animation to elements in a Google Slides presentation?


To apply a fade-in motion/animation to elements in a Google Slides presentation, follow these steps:

  1. Open your presentation in Google Slides.
  2. Select the text or object you want to animate.
  3. Click on SLIDE in the menu bar.
  4. Click Transition
  5. See Motions right side pop out.
  6. Select the desired Slide Transition 
  7. Select the desired Object Animations
  8. Choose how you want the text to appear from the list (e.g., FADE IN, etc.).
  9. Choose On click, After previous, or With previous, depending on when you want the animation to start.
  10. Adjust the speed of the animation if desired by selecting a speed option under Speed.
  11. Click Play to preview the animation.
  12. Close the Animations panel when complete.

Additional Information

For more detailed instructions and additional options for animations in Google Slides, visit the Google Help Center.

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Article ID: 11789
Wed 3/13/24 10:44 AM
Thu 3/14/24 12:03 PM