Getting Started with U-M GPT


A basic overview of how to use U-M GPT.





How do I use U-M GPT?


Log into U-M GPT

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your uniqname and UMICH password, and complete Duo two-factor authentication.

After logging into U-M GPT, you can immediately begin a new chat by typing your prompt into the Ask U-M GPT Anything! field. Additional options are described below.

Select a U-M GPT model (optional)

If desired, click the Model drop-down menu and select your desired model. See U-M GPT Model descriptions for more details. Note that models cannot be changed once you begin a chat by entering a prompt. In order to change the model, you will need to start a new chat.

Start a new chat

You can start a new chat at any time by clicking the + New Chat button in the top-left. Your previous chat is automatically saved and displayed in the left sidebar.

Chat history

Chats are automatically saved and displayed in the left sidebar. 

  • To view previous chats, click on the saved chat in the left sidebar.
  • To delete previous chats, click on the saved chat in the left sidebar and then click the trash can icon that displays next to it.
  • To delete all previous chats, click your username in the bottom-left and then click Clear all chats.

Copy a chat response

Copy the text of a chat response to your clipboard by clicking the clipboard icon in the top-right corner of the response. You can then paste the text into another application. 

Additional Information

ITS AI service page

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 10607
Wed 8/9/23 10:54 AM
Mon 12/9/24 10:09 AM