Purchase Apple Volume Purchase Program (VPP) Credit


This article will help you request a quote for, and purchase Apple Volume Purchase Program credit from CDW-G for use with the Izzy for iOS Service and JamfPro.



  • Apple Volume Purchase Program - VPP
  • Izzy for IOS Service and JamfPro
  • Izzy for Mac Platform as a Service


Request a quote for, and purchase credit that will be used to purchase Mac or iOS apps.


Note: CDW-G is the University's strategic vendor for Apple products, including Apple VPP credit

  1. Email Hansen Chennikkara HansenC@cdwg.com to request a quote for the amount of VPP credit you wish to purchase (ex. $30.00) and include the following:
    Institution/Company Name: University of Michigan
    VPP Account Holder First and Last Name: ITS Mac Engineering Admin
    VPP Account Holder Email Address: its-mac-asm-admin@umich.edu
  2. Once you have the quote from CDW-G, follow your department's procedure for requesting a purchase/obtaining approval to charge a shortcode

  3. Have the appropriate person in your department create a Marketsite+ cart and submit the requisition

    • Include the CDW-G quote number as part of the cart and requisition

    • Appropriate departmental staff will have the required access role of PR EPRO MARKETSITE USER (FIN)

  4. U-M FIN ePro will create a PO Number for the requisition and CDW-G will confirm the order by sending an email to the purchaser

  5. CDW-G will email the Mac engineering team, usually within 24 hours, the information necessary to redeem the purchased credit

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 10507
Fri 7/21/23 1:13 PM
Fri 1/17/25 11:37 AM