TeamDynamix Google Mailboxes
Adding a new address and email monitor to an existing mailbox to create TDX tickets.
TeamDynamix Admins
- Create a new MCommunity group or use an existing group to forward emails to create TDX tickets.
- In an incognito browser, log into the existing TDX mailbox.
- Create a new Label for the new address.
- Create a new Label called “Processed + [name] from #3”.
- Create a new Label called “Unsuccessful + [name] from #3”.
- Click on the Settings gear in the top right corner > See All Settings.
- Click on the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab.
- Scroll to the bottom and click on the “Create a new filter” link.
- Enter the MCommunity group address in the “To” and “Has the words”.
- i.e.) To = and Has the words=
- Enter the following text in the "Subject" of each one to exclude auto-generated and out of office emails:
- Subject = -("out of office" OR "Out of the Office Re: MCommunity Sponsorship(s) to Expire Soon" OR "Out of email contact" OR "Away from office Re: MCommunity Sponsorship(s) to Expire Soon" OR "Automatic reply: In 90 days, your MCommunity Directory group(s) will expire" OR "Automatic reply: In 30 days, your MCommunity Directory group(s) will expire" OR "^Automatic reply:")
- Click “Create Filter”.
- Check the following:
- Skip the Inbox (Archive it)
- Apply the label: (choose new Label step #3)
- Click on the Create Filter blue button.
- Create the TDX email monitor with the following:
- Monitored Folder Name = new Label name step #3
- Processed Folder Name = new Label name step #4
- Unsuccessful Folder Name = new Label name step #5
- When you are ready to start creating tickets from the new address add the existing TDX mailbox address, using the domain=””, to the new MCommunity group as an external member.
At this point, all incoming emails from the new MCommunity group will be filtered to the mapped labels and processed by its own email monitor. All other emails that do not match the filter will stay in the inbox and continue to create tickets with the existing email monitor.
Additional Information
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