QuikPay - Can't Pay Enrollment Deposit, "...no further credit card payments are allowed at this time." Message


This article explains who students should contact for assistance with enabling the option to pay their enrollment deposit through the QuikPay website, when they encounter a message indicating they no longer have the ability to do so.



QuikPay, Student Financial Services


Attempting to pay enrollment deposit but receiving the following message: "Due to multiple failed credit card payment attempts, no further credit card payments are allowed at this time. Please contact your institution with any questions."


  • Contact Student Financial Services at um-sfo@umich.edu or (734) 764-7447 about the error message for further assistance.

Additional Information

For details about services and resources through Student Financials Services, see their main page - https://finance.umich.edu/finops/student

You are directed to the QuikPay website when you are navigating through the New and Prospective Student Center (which can be accessed via Student Business or New and Prospective Student Business) to pay your enrollment deposit after accepting admission.

Need assistance with Wolverine Access? Contact the ITS Service Center.



Article ID: 10188
Wed 5/17/23 4:26 PM
Wed 5/17/23 5:29 PM