How to import a project into REDCap


This article presents a brief overview of how to import XML projects into REDCap, such as those available at the Depression Center's GitHub repository.



REDCap allows exporting and importing of projects as XML files. These files include all instruments (surveys), questions, sections, and settings that have been configured for a project. This functionality makes it easy to move projects between testing and production environments, and to avoid having to start from scratch by leveraging existing projects and examples. This article presents a brief overview of how to import XML projects into REDCap, such as those available at the Depression Center's GitHub repository.



Export or download a REDCap file

  1. If exporting an existing project, open the project in REDCap, click on the Other Functionality tab, and click Download metadata only (XML).Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Alternatively, download an example project from a repository such as the Eisenberg Family Depression Center's Mobile Data Experts Network (MDEN) repository on GitHub.
  3. Save the XML file to your Downloads folder.


Upload XML Project File

  1. Login to REDCap. Preferably, do this step in your testing or training instance of REDCap, if available (e.g.
  2. Click +New Project on the REDCap toolbar
  3. Enter a Project Title, Purpose, and Notes.
  4. Under Project Creation Option, check Upload a REDCap project XML file (CDISC OCM format).
  5. Select the XML file downloaded in the previous step.
  6. click Create Project.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Edit and Test the Project

  1. Use the Project Setup tab to configure project settings.
  2. Use the Online Designer tab to edit specific questions, agreements, and other instruments. Be sure to customize any consent forms as needed.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Perform testing as required by your department's or institution's policies.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. Once done, go to the Other Functionality tab and click Download metadata only (XML) to download your customized project file.


Import into Production Environment and Activate the Project

  1. Follow the steps in the first section to import your project file into your institution's production REDCap environment (e.g.
  2. Perform any other testing as required.
  3. In the main project setup tab, click Move your project to production status.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



  • None.




About the Author

Gabriel Mongefranco is a Mobile Data Architect at the University of Michigan Eisenberg Family Depression Center. Gabriel has over a decade of experience in data analytics, dashboard design, automation, back end software development, database design, middleware and API architecture, and technical writing.

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Article ID: 10779
Wed 8/30/23 2:26 PM
Thu 2/13/25 2:05 PM
Gabriel Mongefranco
Code Repository
GitHub Code Repository URL

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