Support Request Form

We are committed to developing accessible learning experiences for the widest possible audience. We recognize that learners with disabilities (including but not limited to visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive disabilities, or motor disabilities) might need more specific accessibility-related support to achieve learning goals in our courses.

Please use this form to let us know about any accessibility challenges such as urgent issues that keep you from making progress in the course (e.g., missing or inadequate alt-text, captioning errors).

Third-party sites and software: While the University of Michigan is not responsible for the accessibility of third-party sites or applications that may be linked from this course, we still encourage you to report associated third-party accessibility issues so that we can ensure you are able to participate. In such cases, we may contact you for additional information as we investigate ways of removing accessibility barriers or to suggest accessible alternatives.

Select the platform that you are taking your course on.
Please give us the title of the course where you are experiencing an accessibility issue.
Helpful information may include resource title, location, and link if possible.
Please describe the accessibility issue are you experiencing.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
How could we improve your experience?
Please add any screenshots or other files that would help us in addressing your concerns.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code