One of the core features of GradeCraft is its custom leveling system. Creating course levels in GradeCraft is essential for establishing transparent objectives for students to work toward. This guide walks you through the process step by step
In GradeCraft, all students start with 0 points and earn their way up to success as they complete milestones. Your grading scheme will describe how many points are required to reach certain levels. This guide walks you through the process of creating custom levels step by step. If you don't set a leveling system, the Predictor feature won't work - there's no goal to plan towards! To set up your grading scheme and levels:
1. Log into your GradeCraft course site and navigate to "Grading Scheme" in the left-hand navigation bar under Setup.
2. Choose whether your context includes traditional letter grades (A-F) as outcomes.
3. If opting for letter grades, further specify preferences regarding A+/A- style grades and levels below "F."
When students start at 0 and build up to the numbers that earn letter grades, they often spend quite a bit of time at an F-grade (by which we mean, if they stopped a semester-long course in week 2, they would likely not have done enough work to earn a high grade). To create a more motivating experience, we encourage instructors to create levels to mark progress within the course before that F-level.
4. If you select "No" for letter grades, you'll see an additional question asking how many levels you want to have in the experience. You can change your mind later, just start with something that seems approximately right.
5. Click "Get me started!" to proceed.
6. In this example, I choose to have Letter Grades with pluses and minuses. Below I see my easy-entry screen:
7. (Optional) Fill in the names for the levels that matches your system (described in step 4), if applicable.
8. Fill in the point threshold (the minimum number of points students need to have earned to achieve this level). Each time you enter a point value the red box will become white, and you'll see an additional button to "Add a Level Below." This gives you a quick way to realize you don't like how your levels are spaced out points-wise, and add an intermediate marker.
9. Click "Submit my changes" at the bottom of the form to save your grading scheme.
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