How do I set up a score level grading style?


Looking for a grading style that offers more flexibility than pass/fail but less specificity than a rubric?


With grade score levels, you can establish different benchmarks of an assignment that define different levels of achievement. This option offers more flexibility than Pass/Fail, allowing instructors to differentiate between varying levels of achievement. 

To use the score level grading style on an assignment:

1. Click on “Assignments” from the left-hand navigation bar

2. Create a new assignment by clicking "Add A New Assignment +", or navigate to the assignment you wish to change to pass/fail.  If you're modifying an existing assignment:

a. Click the assignment name.  You will be taken to the "Descriptions and Downloads" page which displays the descriptions and attachments of this assignment 

b. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, find the button for "Edit" which will allow you to make changes to the assignment

3. Next, click on the "Grading" tab and find the "Grade Score Levels" section

4. Create a level name and specify the number of points that will be awarded for that level. Use the "Add level" option to create additional score levels as needed.

For instance, you could establish levels such as Complete (5,000 points), Finalist (7,000 points), and Winner (10,000 points), providing students with clear goals for achievement within the assignment.

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Article ID: 11904
Wed 4/3/24 3:01 PM
Fri 4/12/24 11:41 AM