How to check a student’s ECoach activity


ECoach uses a sophisticated activity tracking system. That system allows you to see each of your students’ ECoach activity.

How to view student activity

  1. Log in to your course's ECoach dashboard

  2. Click “Analytics”

  3. Click “Students”

  4. Search for the student you are interested in

  5. Click the analytics icon for any student and the analytics  for that student will appear

For each student, you can see:

  • Bulletins read

  • Surveys completed

  • To do list items checked

  • Completion times

Check if a student earned credit

Students often ask if they've gotten credit for certain assignments. 

Students can check on their own. To check their credit eligibility, students:

  • Click on the menu with their uniqname in the upper right corner of ECoach's student view and choose "Coach Activity History"

  • This page shows them everything they've completed and when.

If you want to check on a student's completion details:

  • Click “AnalyticsMenu” in the upper left corner

  • Click “Students”

  • Click “Individuals”

  • Search for the student you are interested in

  • Click the analytics icon for any student  card and the analytics Individual Details for that student will appear

  • There are three possible status indicators for assignments worth credit:

    • Green checkmark: Assignment completed and student earned credit.

    • Red circle with a dash. Assignment is incomplete and the student has not yet received credit.

    • Gray circle with clock hands. Assignment is open and the student can still earn credit.


Check student activity for errors in ECoach's credit reporting

We receive many support tickets from students asserting that ECoach has made a mistake and not properly captured their assignment completion.

In those situations, we typically find that one of four things has happened:

  1. The student made an honest mistake and thought they had completed the assignment but did not.

  2. The student is being academically dishonest and did not complete the assignment.

  3. The student finished the assignment moments after it was due and expects to receive credit because they began the assignment before the time due.

  4. ECoach has a bug. ECoach isn’t perfect and, though it's rare, students sometimes uncover bugs. 



Article ID: 10094
Thu 4/27/23 1:58 PM
Thu 4/27/23 1:58 PM