The Quick Grade feature in Gradecraft streamlines the grading process, allowing instructors to efficiently assess student assignments with ease. Instructors can expedite the grading process while maintaining clarity and consistency
The Quick Grade feature is most helpful when evaluating straightforward assignments that require minimal feedback. For assignments needing more detailed assessment, consider utilizing rubrics to provide comprehensive feedback to students. Here's how to leverage Quick Grade effectively:
Setting up Quick Grade
Before utilizing Quick Grade, ensure that the grading style for the assignment is configured appropriately. Follow these steps to set up Quick Grade:
1. Access assignment settings by navigating to the "Assignments" section from the left-hand menu.
2. Locate the specific assignment you want to grade and click on the gear icon on the right-hand side. Select "Edit" from the drop down menu.
3. Under the "Details" tab, determine whether the assignment will be pass/fail or point-based. If opting for point-based grading, you can define score levels in the "Grading" tab. Customize the score levels with names and corresponding points as per your requirements.
Note: Using grade score levels is optional. You can choose to award points without specifying score levels. In these situations, no action is needed in the "Grade Score Levels" section of the Grading tab.
For a comprehensive understanding of grading styles and when to use them, refer to the Grading Styles category in the knowledge base. This category includes an overview of different grading styles, along with detailed articles on how to set up and use each style effectively.
Grading with Quick Grade
Once the assignment's grading setup is complete, proceed with grading using the Quick Grade feature:
1. To access Quick Grade, navigate to the "Assignments" section from the left-hand menu and select the desired assignment. Click on the gear icon and choose "Quick Grade" from the drop down menu.
2. Upon selecting Quick Grade, you'll be directed to a page displaying a list of students enrolled in the course.
3. Above the student list, use the drop down menu to select the preferred grading style. Depending on how you set up your assignment, the options will differ.
No Grading Levels: For assignments without predefined grading levels, options include text box or radio button style.
With Grading Levels: If grading levels are set, the options are select menu or radio button style.
Pass/Fail Assignments: For pass/fail assignments, radio button style is the sole option available.
Note: Quick Grade cannot be used when grading with a rubric. Rubrics provide a structured framework for detailed assessment and feedback.
Examples of Grading Styles
Below are visual representations of how grades appear formatted in Select Menu, Radio Buttons, or a Text Box:
Select Menu:
Radio Button:
Text Box:
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