Topics: typically what would go in the syllabus for your course (e.g. “Abstract Data Types” or “Acid-Base Reactions”).
Topic groups: collections of topics, such as a unit (e.g. the “Carbs” topic group can include the topics “Carbs - Fiber” and “Carbs - Structure”).
You can use Exam Dates to group topics together based on when they’re covered rather than Topic Groups.
Go to your course’s Admin Console from the dropdown menu in the top right
Go to the Topics tab
For Topic Groups:
Click the “Add Topic Group” button
For Topics:
Scroll down to Ungrouped Topics Section
Click the “Add Topic” button
Required -
Name: We recommend these be descriptive (e.g. “Baroque Period” instead of “Chapter 1”) to make it easier for students to hone in on what to study
Optional -
By default, topics/topic groups are shown in alphabetical order to students
To create a custom order, set the category’s place on the page by specifying its number (i.e. “1” appears first)
FOR TOPICS ONLY - Topic Group: Choose the overarching topic group it applies to; topics can only be in one topic group
By default, topics/topic groups are available all semesters
To make a topic/topic group only available for certain semesters, use the dropdown to select the semester it will be visible in
Exam Dates:
By default, topic/topic groups are available during the whole semester
To make a topic/topic group only available during a particular exam period, use the dropdown to select which one it will be visible in
You can add new exam dates in the create new topic/create new topic group page by clicking the “Create New Exam Dates” button
For more on exam dates, check here (exam dates)
Once you’re done creating the topic or topic group, be sure to check the Activate this topic so it can be visible to students or the Activate all topics in this topic group so they can be visible to students checkbox at the bottom of the page