Grade calculator lets students estimate the impact of future assignments on their final grades. We show students the grades they've earned so far, apply your grading method(s), and estimate that student’s grade if they continue to perform in the way they have been.
Students can also experiment with how many points they might get on remaining assignments, assuming the remaining assignments are in your gradebook. This can help students see what future assignments will have the biggest impact on their grade.
Grade calculator is smart about multiple grading methods. Some classes have multiple grading methods. In this case, grade calculator will show students their grade using each grading method.
How to ensure that grade calculator will work:
Grade Calculator is the most popular feature in ECoach. But we need your help to help make sure it's accurate and useful for students.
If you migrate assignments, please update the names. Grade calculator displays the names of all assignments all term, and pulls their names directly from Canvas as you have written them. So if you migrate exams with last term's date and plan to update as you go along, the exams will appear with old dates in the grade calculator.
Please add all assignments at the start of the term. ECoach's grade calculator can only work if
all the assignment categories are present (homework, exams, quizzes, etc.), AND
each category has at least one assignment (the assignment itself can be empty), AND
we know how much each category is worth. This one can be accomplished in one of two ways: