How do I apply to audit courses in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA)?
The mature person who is not currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program and whose education is no longer limited by degree and credit requirements has unusual opportunities for diversified study and self-development. The university invites such persons to join the university community as special auditors to avail themselves of listening privileges in courses of their choice, to utilize library facilities, and to attend concerts, lectures, and exhibits. No particular background is required, though the person should be qualified to profit from the experience.
Classes that are audited are typically taken for personal enrichment and cannot be taken for grades or college credit. If you wish to have the class you are interested in taking on a transcript, please fill out a Non-degree or Guest Application instead.
Fees per term are set standard fees and are due at the time of registration. For current fee costs, go to the Office of the Registrar's Tuition & Fees Search and select "Special Programs" in the School/College field.
If you are seeking to audit one or several undergraduate classes in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, you may request an application by going to our Ask a Question service and in the title field type in Special Auditors Application. Once the completed application is received and reviewed by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, a decision will be emailed to the applicant.
If you are interested in auditing graduate-level classes instead, contact the Rackham Graduate School at 734-764-8129 or email
Degree-seeking students already attending U-M may also be able to audit a class. To arrange an official audit, a U-M student must submit a Request for Audit Status form to the Academic Standards Board, 1255 Angell Hall. Learn more on the LSA website.