Faculty Center Add, Delete, or Change Questions


How can I add, delete, or change questions to my evaluation?

Some templates allow teachers to add questions at the bottom of the Teaching Evaluation page in Faculty Center. Teachers can only delete or change questions that they have added.

If changes need to be made to the core template, work with your department evaluation coordinator to determine what the changes should be.

The department coordinator will email ro.evaluaitons@umich.edu and request the template and/or question change.

Information to include in the email:

  • Subject or Academic Org code
  • Template number or type 'New Template'
  • Question number of question to be changed or type 'New Question'
  • Description of the change including a description of the text before the change and after the change would be helpful
  • Your contact information (email and/or phone) in case there are any questions with the request

Once the new template has been created or the template changes have been made, the evaluation coordinator in your department will be able to change the template on your evaluation.



Article ID: 7478
Thu 3/17/22 1:18 PM
Tue 4/5/22 10:14 AM