Eligibility Requirements for In-State Tuition Classification


What are the eligibility requirements for determining in-state residency?

The university's Guidelines for Qualifying for In-State Tuition provide three distinct tracks by which a student might demonstrate their eligibility for in-state tuition, depending on their specific circumstances. Although a student may be eligible for in-state tuition under more than one path, you need only demonstrate eligibility through one of the available pathways.

The requirements for filing and for eligibility will differ depending upon which criteria you are basing your claim. If you are a veteran or an active duty service member, you may file an application under the Service track (Part III). If you are basing your claim on attendance at an accredited Michigan middle and high school, graduation from your Michigan high school, AND matriculation to the university within 40 months, you may file an application under the Attendance track (Part II). All other applicants will need to demonstrate eligibility by filing an application for in-state tuition under the Residence track (Part I), which will require you to show that Michigan is your, or your parent's or your spouse's, place of permanent domicile, as defined in the guidelines. 

The filing deadlines for the term are the same, no matter which in-state tuition application you are submitting. Please do not submit multiple applications for the same term, unless you are requested to do so by the Residency Classification Office.



Article ID: 7350
Mon 3/14/22 10:01 AM
Tue 4/5/22 10:35 AM