In order to merge one or more Canvas course sites using the following method:
- You must be listed as the official instructor (primary, secondary, grad student instructor, or faculty grader) in MPathways for each section you want to merge
- Sections must be in the same term
If you do not meet these requirement, please contact the Instructional Services team for assistance.
Merge Course Sites
Log into Canvas and go to the course site you want to use for the semester.
Locate and click the Canvas Course Manager menu in the left-hand course navigation

Click 'Merge Sections' located at the bottom of the page.
Two panes will be displayed. The right side pane shows sections already in the current course and will be updated to reflect new sections as you add them.
At the top of the left pane, enter the course name to merge in the search box.
Click on the tiles you want to add, or use the Select All box.
To remove sections from the right side pane, click the desired section tile, then click the Undo button.
- When you are ready to merge the sections, click the Go Merge button.
If you do not see your sections, or they are assigned to another instructor, contact Instructional Services for assistance.