Copy Course Content


Copy All Content

Content can be copied from one course to another using the Course Import tool in Canvas. To copy all content:

  1. In Canvas, go to the new course where the content will end up.
  2. On the right side of the screen, click the Import Existing Content button.
    Course menu showing the location of the option to import existing content
  3. Next to Content Type choose Copy a Canvas Course.
  4. New options will appear to select a course. Use the drop down menu to select the course from which you want to copy.
  5. Next to Content choose All content.
    Import Content page displaying the options for selecting a course and the option to select all content.
  6. Click the Import button.
  7. The copy process will then be listed under the Current Jobs section with the current status. Once it is marked Completed, the copied content will be available.
    An example of what displays under Current Jobs after starting an import. It shows the import type, the import source, the date, and the status.

Copy Specific Content

The Course Import tool allows you to copy specific content from another course rather than copying everything. To copy specific content:

  1. In Canvas, go to the new course where the content will end up..
  2. On the right side of the screen, click the Import Existing Content button.
    Course menu showing the location of the Import Content option.
  3. Next to Content Type choose Copy a Canvas Course.
  4. New options will appear to select a course. Use the drop down menu to select the course from which you want to copy.
  5. Next to Content choose Select specific content.
    Import Content page displaying the options for selecting a course and the option to select all content.
  6. Click the Import button.
  7. The copy process will then be listed under the Current Jobs section. Click the Select Content button to proceed.
    An example of what displays under Current Jobs after starting an import. It shows the import type, the import source, the date, the status, and the Select Content option when doing an import of only certain content..
  8. Check the box next to any content you want to copy. Use the arrows to expand a section to select specific items within.An example of the Select Content menu showing the various types of content (Modules, Assignments, Quizzes, etc.) and how to drill down to specific items in those categories.
  9. Once you have made your selections, click the Select Content button at the bottom.
  10. The copy process will then proceed. Once it is marked Completed, the copied content will be available.
    An example of what displays under Current Jobs after starting an import. It shows the import type, the import source, the date, and the status.



Article ID: 9307
Thu 11/17/22 1:03 PM
Wed 2/5/25 4:05 PM