Kaltura - Add Videos to a Course


Add to a Module

Kaltura videos can be added directly to a module.

  1. Click the + link on the module menu.
    A module header in Canvas with the button to add content marked.
  2. Choose External Tool from the drop-down menu and click MiVideo My Media.
    The external tool list indicating the position of MiVideo My Media to add a video.
  3. Find the video you would like to add and click the Embed button next to it.
    A Kaltura media entry with the embed button to the right to add the video to a course.
  4. You will come back to the External Tool selection box. Scroll down, verify the page name, and click Add Item.
    The assignment settings for an external tool submission to confirm before submitting
  5. The video will now be linked to the module.
    A module heading in Canvas with items listed including a Kaltura video labled Module 1: Lecture showcasing how an embedded video appears in a module.

Add to a Page or Announcement

Kaltura videos can be added to Pages or Announcements and accompanied by additional text and resources if desired.

  1. Edit the page or announcement where you want the video to appear.
  2. On the toolbar, click the Embed MiVideo Media button.
    The toolbar in the Canvas rich content editor (RCE). The embed MiVideo button is indicated on the toolbar.
  3. Find the video you want to add and click the Embed button next to it.
    A Kaltura media entry with the embed button to the right to add the video to a course.
  4. The video will appear in the text box. Add any additional text if desired and click Save.



Article ID: 5877
Sat 6/26/21 1:54 PM
Mon 2/10/25 2:55 PM

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