Access Evaluation Reports


  1. Log in to CoursEval with your uniqname and LAN password:
    The course evaluation system login screen showing the fields for uniqname and password
  2. Hover over Reports at the top and click Evaluation Reports from the drop-down menu.
    The CoursEval reports menu drop down with Evaluation Reports highlighted
  3. To ensure you are seeing all of your evaluations, choose Show All in the drop-down boxes at the top for: Year, Period, Survey, and Department.
    The various filters available with Show All set for Year, Period, Survey, and Department
  4. If you would like to choose specific statistical data to be shown on your reports, click Report Options.
    The Report Options link indicated on the page.
    Then check the boxes for what you would like to view on the reports, such as Median and Highlight Group Median
    The various options available for which statistical values and calculations to show in a report.
  5. You can sort the evaluations if needed by clicking on the name of the column by which you would like to sort. When you see the one(s) you want to view, check the box for each evaluation under the Include column.
    The Include column of the reports page with one box checked indicated the user wants to view the report for the selected course.
  6. Click PDF to view the reports. The new window will also include options to download and print the report.



Article ID: 5694
Mon 6/7/21 9:51 AM
Mon 2/10/25 3:03 PM