What is BeyondTrust (Bomgar) Remote Assistance Tool? (General Information)


ITS BeyondTrust (Bomgar)


Public information about the ITS BeyondTrust (Bomgar) Remote Support Tool


What is the BeyondTrust remote assistance tool?

Note: Bomgar has rebranded as BeyondTrust.  While we are making an effort to use only the newer name, you may hear it referred to as Bomgar. The downloaded file may also still include "Bomgar" in the name.

BeyondTrust (Bomgar) is a remote-assistance tool used by ITS (Information Technology Services) at U-M that allows a tech support representative to share the customer's view of the screen, and interact with their computer when necessary. ITS has configured the BeyondTrust system (remotesupport.it.umich.edu) to require consent for access to personally owned-devices and UM-owned devices

The website for the ITS BeyondTrust system is: https://remotesupport.it.umich.edu

  • BeyondTrust is not comparable to Windows Remote Desktop (RDP)
    • With RDP, a support representative accesses a computer via a separate user context from the end-user and does not see their actual screen
    • BeyondTrust is more like Windows Remote Assistance or VNC, GotoAssist, or Teamviewer, where the support person actually acts as the user and views the same screen that the user is viewing

Why would I allow a support technician to access my device using BeyondTrust?

  • To provide needed administrator privileges on managed devices
  • To allow the technician the chance to see or experience the issue
  • To allow the technician to directly attempt to fix the issue
  • To allow the technician to provide directions or assistance with steps to complete a task

Will BeyondTrust allow techs access to my computer without my knowledge?

No. The ITS installation of BeyondTrust is configured to require the logged-in user to grant access to their device before a technician can see or interact with the device.  (Note that other units/departments may host their own BeyondTrust installation with different configurations.)

In some circumstances, a chat window may appear without being prompted to agree.  The chat window does not grant any access other than the ability to communicate via typed text.

Who can use BeyondTrust?

Tech Support Representatives

  • Access to the ITS BeyondTrust representative console is limited to specific departments that work with the ITS Service Center (4HELP)
  • The BeyondTrust representative console can be installed on Windows and MacOS
  • Linux is available but is not recommended for the representative console
  • Mobile devices are not supported for the representative console


  • Any customer with a compatible device can install the BeyondTrust customer client when prompted by a tech support representative.  Compatible devices include:
    • Computers that are Windows or MacOS (older operating systems may fail to load the software correctly)
    • Linux, iOS, and Android clients can sometimes be installed but it is very difficult to make them work
    • ChromeOS is not compatible with ITS BeyondTrust

Why does it sometimes look or act differently, depending on who I call?

There are several different installations of BeyondTrust on campus. This article relates specifically to the ITS (Information Technology Services) installation of BeyondTrust. Other units or departments may have their installation, which may have slightly different details or steps.

For more information about using BeyondTrust remote support as a caller, please view this article: Start a BeyondTrust (Bomgar) Remote Support Session as a Customer

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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Article ID: 7566
Wed 3/23/22 5:58 PM
Mon 1/8/24 1:21 PM