eRRM: Tips for Selecting a Department/Organization in eResearch


eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM)


The eResearch Regulatory Management system receives University of Michigan departmental information automatically from the U-M Human Resources Management System (HRMS). Department names can change, which makes searching for the department difficult in eResearch.


Here are a few suggestions to help you select the department you need when using the "Select Organization" search in eResearch.

  1. If the department you need to select is the same as one of the study team members' appointment department, find the appointment department name as displayed in the study team table or in question 1.3 of a HUM. Search for the same department name in eResearch.
  2. You can often find the exact name of a department by looking up a person who is affiliated with the desired department in the MCommunity directory. Look for the department name under their "Affiliation". Try searching for the same department name in eResearch.
    Note: Make sure to look at their affiliation, not their contact information as the Campus Mail address may show a slightly different department name.
  3. If you know the six digit department ID for the department you need to select you can search for the department by the department ID:
    1. On the department field in your application, click the ellipsis [ ... ] button to open the "Select Organization" search page
    2. Change the Filter by drop down menu from "Organization" to "Org ID"
    3. Enter the six digit department number in the search field, and click "Go" (See the below screenshot)Screenshot of the "Select Organization" window highlighting the Filter by search criteria.







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Article ID: 4218
Mon 1/4/21 3:03 PM
Fri 10/27/23 1:38 PM