Install and Activate Microsoft Office 365 for Windows (MiWorkspace)


MiWorkspace Windows, Office 365


How do I install Office 365 on my work (MiWorkspace) computer?


MiWorkspace Windows machines that are new or rebuilt after April 7, 2023 will have Office 365 already installed.

Machines that were built prior to April 2023 could still have Office 2016 installed.

The following instructions are for customers who want to upgrade from Office 2016 to Office 365.

There are three basic steps to complete the upgrade to Office 365:

  • Download and install Office 365 from Software Center
  • Restart your device to complete the upgrade
  • Open an application (shown below with Microsoft Word) and complete Duo Two-Factor Authentication

Prior versions of Microsoft Office applications (e.g., Word, Excel, etc.) will be replaced with upgraded versions once Office 365 is installed. 

Download and Install

  1. Click the block M in your device's system tray and select Software Center
  2. Browse or search for Microsoft Office 365, open it, and then click Install


  1. Important! After Office 365 has finished installing, you must restart your device to complete the upgrade

Complete Duo Two-Factor Authentication

  1. Select a Microsoft application (Word, Excel, etc.) from your device's Start menu and open it
  2. Click your name in the top-right
  3. Click Sign In
  4. Complete Duo Two-Factor Authentication when prompted (this may happen automatically depending on your Duo settings)


  • You will then automatically be signed in to all Microsoft applications
  • If your Duo authentication expires, you may need to sign in and complete Duo Two-Factor authentication again in the future.  An error icon  will display next to your name in the top-right of the application if your Duo authentication has expired.

Additional Information

See for more information.

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Article ID: 3936
Thu 10/29/20 7:09 PM
Tue 6/6/23 10:16 AM