Zoom for Google Workspace Add-on Error When Scheduling for Others


U-M Zoom, Zoom for Google Workspace add-on


While using the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on to schedule meetings on behalf of someone else for whom I have scheduling privileges, I receive an error stating, "Something went wrong. We're sorry, we've encountered an error processing your request. This may be caused by: 1. Network problems; 2. Remote server returned an error. Please try again later."


This error usually occurs when you are using the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on to configure settings for someone else for whom you have scheduling privileges. Specifically, it often occurs after you click the "Schedule for" drop-down menu and select a user other than "Myself."

To resolve the error:

  1. Click the back arrow at the top left of the Zoom for Google Workspace window (<-)
  2. You should now see the settings for the meeting you were configuring, with the individual you selected showing in the "Schedule for" drop-down menu
  3. Save the meeting
  4. You may see the error again at this point. However, if you click to open the meeting and/or check in the Zoom web application, you should see that the meeting was created as intended

Additional Information

The U-M Zoom team reported this issue to the Zoom vendor on 7/21/2020. As of 7/23/2020, users who first reported the error are no longer seeing it, and the U-M Zoom team is unable to reproduce the error. However, this KB is still available in case the issue arises again.

Alternative troubleshooting steps to try: Uninstall and reinstall the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on

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Article ID: 3195
Wed 7/22/20 2:58 PM
Tue 4/18/23 2:31 PM