Dropbox: This can only be shared with the link




  • You are trying to share a private (unshared) folder you own, but you receive the following error message: "This can only be shared with the link."
  • When you go to the "Who can access" section of your private folder, it states, "Can't manage people with access. This folder contains subfolders that you don't own."


You are likely receiving this message because there is at least one shared subfolder under your private (unshared) folder that you do not own.

Dropbox has cascading folder ownership, which means everything under a parent folder is owned by the person who owns the parent folder. However, Dropbox allows you to move shared folders you do not own under private (unshared) folders you own. In these cases, you do not automatically own everything under the private folder, and that can make it confusing when you go to share the parent folder with someone and find you cannot.

To fix this, you must move the shared subfolder(s) you don't own out of the private parent folder.

Additional Information

A screenshot of the error message is attached to this knowledge article.

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Article ID: 11718
Tue 2/27/24 4:09 PM
Tue 2/27/24 4:16 PM

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