Dropbox: Unshare a Shared Folder




I removed or deleted a Dropbox shared folder that I created from my Dropbox view, but the collaborators can still find and use it. 


There are two ways to unshare a shared folder. Collaborators may still find and use the folder even if you removed it from your Dropbox view or deleted it, so it's important to unshare it to ensure they can no longer access it.

Via the sharing dialog on the folder

This is the recommended way to unshare a shared folder if you haven't removed/deleted it yet.

  1. Sign in to U-M Dropbox.
  2. Go to the All files view (from your left navigation).
  3. Find the shared folder in your list of files/folders and click the Share button or icon (depending on your selected file layout).
  4. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the sharing dialog.
  5. Click "Unshare folder" in the bottom left corner of the folder settings.
  6. Do not check the "Let removed members keep a copy of this shared folder" box and click Unshare.
    • If you would like collaborators to keep a copy of your shared folder in their Dropbox accounts, you can check the box before clicking Unshare. However, that is likely not your intent and can cause confusion among collaborators and yourself.

Via the Shared view

This is the way to unshare a shared folder if you have already removed it from your Dropbox.

  1. Sign in to U-M Dropbox.
  2. Go to the Shared view (from your left navigation).
  3. Click the Folders tab at the top and find your shared folder from the list.
  4. Click the three-dot icon to the right of the folder name and select Remove from Dropbox.
    • If this option doesn't appear, skip to the next step, as you likely already removed it from your Dropbox account.
  5. Click the three-dot icon to the right of the folder name again and select Unshare folder.
  6. Do not check the "Let removed members keep a copy of this shared folder" box and click Unshare.
    • If you would like collaborators to keep a copy of your shared folder in their Dropbox accounts, you can check the box before clicking Unshare. However, that is likely not your intent and can cause confusion among collaborators and yourself.


After unsharing the shared folder, you are not safe to delete the folder from your Dropbox account.

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Article ID: 10714
Fri 8/18/23 10:31 AM
Wed 2/28/24 1:43 PM